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Anthropologists spend time with the people they wish to learn from. Different people will show them different points of view, different paths in life, different ecologies surrounding them.
The following interactive documentary wishes to reproduce some of the decisions anthropologists make during their fieldwork.

The people around you, however, will also grow. They will get to know you, and they will react to the relations you establish in the field. You will be made aware of social relations while you will also help to establish new ones.
You will choose who to hang out with. You will grow in your understanding of the issues you are set up to research. You will decide what interactions underlie your research.
Knowing new people will let you understand more points of view, but so will going back to talk to early encounters after exploring new perspectives.

You are going to the Pyrenees to study winemakers and to understand their relations with their work and their relation to the environment. You have cameras, a sound recorder.
Images will guide you through this journey.
At the bottom of each page you will find your options.
Hover on the arrows to read them.
Here are the first two:
Start making contacts in the wine industry
Hang out in the village where you live